Advanced NDT Testing
  • Time of Flight Diffraction ( TOFD) ,Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)  and Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) of Cross Country Pipeline and Refineries,
  •  Computed/Digital Radiography,
  • Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT), 
  • Eddy Current,
  • Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS) ,
  • Remote Field Electromagnetic Testing (RFET).
  • Digitization of Film,
  • Small Controlled Area Radiography ( SCAR)
  • Through a team of trained, skilled and experienced professionals, IXAR provides advanced Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) for flaw detection, sizing and imaging. It offers significant technical advantages for weld testing and plant monitoring over conventional ultrasonic as the phased array beams can be steered, scanned, swept and focused electronically from a fixed probe position.
  • IXAR has invested in an emerging technology in the field of NDT which is Computed Radiography, this technology enables the digital capture of an image by use of a re-usable imaging plate (IP) which is coated with a phosphor layer, and when exposed to radiation is able to store the resultant energy. The IP is then scanned using a laser scanner which results in the stored energy being released as ultraviolet light, the intensity related to the amount of radiation received, these light intensities are then read by a laser and a digital image is generated. This image is stored as raw data, which means that although the image can be enhanced to optimize the contrast, magnify and measure the component the initial image remains unchanged. _Computed Radiography has many advantages over conventional radiography such as, no expensive film to purchase, no processing chemicals (more environmentally friendly), wider latitude to enable a greater thickness range to be captured on one exposure, sharing of images electronically and easier storage.
  • Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) has proven to be the most accurate and effective NDT technique in determining the defect height. Through a fully computerized system, our experts provide a grade of accuracy never achieved by other ultrasonic techniques. The system provides scan, store and evaluate indications in terms of height, length and position.
  • It’s a technique to detect and examine a variety of surface flaws, such as corrosion, contamination, surface finish and surface discontinuities on joints. Our experts employ a wide variety of equipment, ranging from examination with the naked eye to the use of gauges, micrometers, calipers, rulers, magnifying devices, remote video equipment and surface conditioning equipment.
  • At the present time, Automatic Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) has become the NDE industry standard examination method for girth weld inspection. IXAR ensures that you benefit from AUT system’s superior analysis and computerized data management system. We undertake the most recent technologies in bringing you the AUT’s advantages of greater safety, faster cycle time and accurate detection.
  • It is widely known that eddy current measurements can provide useful information on the properties of ferrous materials. Modifications of the micro structure and of the dislocations distribution caused by heat treatment or work hardening result in variations of the magnetic domain wall motion, which affect the electromagnetic response of the sample. While the underlying microscopic mechanism relating these quantities is difficult to describe quantitatively, the relation between the electromagnetic response and the micro-structure is a very efficient empirical tool to sort parts, both by comparison with reference batches or by statistical analysis of samples. There is a growing interest for the application of this technique to the quality control (QC) of parts with complex geometries and/or manufactured using exotic techniques such as EDM, SLS, or water jet. Moreover, eddy currents can prove an attractive complementary technology for the detection of subsurface porosity.
  • IXAR has invested in Internal rotary inspection system (IRIS) ultrasonic test method which is employed for testing of pipes and tubes in boilers, heat ex-changers and fin-fan tubes. The IRIS probe is inserted into a tube that is flooded with water, and the probe is pulled out slowly as the data is displayed and recorded. The ultrasonic beam allows detection of metal loss from the inside and outside of the tube wall. The IRIS probe consists of a rotating mirror that directs the ultrasonic beam into the tube wall. The mirror is driven by a small turbine that is rotated by water pressure. As the probe is pulled the spinning motion of the mirror results in a helical scan path. The IRIS probe must be moved very slowly (approximately 2.5 cm/s) to produce very accurate results (wall thickness measurements typically accurate to within 0.13 mm). Not sensitive to cracks aligned with tube radius. Compared to conventional ultrasonic testing or eddy current testing, Internal rotary inspection system (IRIS) ultrasonic test instruments and probes are complex and expensive and requires highly trained, skilled and experienced technicians.
Long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT)
  • IXAR offers Long Range Ultrasonic Testing - LRUT has been employed for screening piping systems above ground as a result of the high production coverage rates as opposed to manual techniques , but it still remains the only reliable technique for screening pipe systems underground or underwater where access is often limited or very costly to gain access for manual contact techniques. The technology continues to be improved and the number of applications utilizing this system has greatly expanded The technology operates by placement of an array of probes placed in a belt, circumstantially wrapped around the pipe being inspected. The system then generates ultrasonic guided waves longitudinally down the length of pipe, distance covered by the ultrasonic waves is dependent on a number of factors related to pipe coating, branch connections, fittings and above ground or buried locations. The system can inspect both directions from each inspection location and therefore can maximize production.